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Name: Ideaguy

Friday, February 23, 2007

How To Get Rid Of Love Handles Fast

Ever notice the sides of your stomach rubbing against the inside of your arms when you walk? How about putting on a bathing suite, don't they become much more noticeable? Of course I'm talking about the fat rolls that form just above your hips that make us all ask how to get rid of love handles?

It's true, you can often eliminate excess fat from the front of your stomach, legs or other parts of your body easier than from your love handles - the fat just never seems to leave your sides does it?

Indeed, love handles are one of the first areas where fat settles and one of the last places you will see improvement when focusing on weight loss and improving your body tone.

Fortunately, all is not lost, here is a 3 part system on how to get rid of love handles once and for all - even better, this technique will show measurable results in just a couple of weeks if you stick with the program.

1. Add at least 4 30-minute vigorous aerobic exercise to your program each week. In my case, jogging did the trick. If you are really out of shape, start very slow and take frequent breaks extending the time past 30-minutes. Over time you will find the aerobic activity becomes easier and can even become pleasant and addictive.

2. If you really want to know how to get rid of love handles, then you must be willing to eat healthier. I'm not talking about turning into a vegetarian or cutting back all of the foods or drinks that you love, but to really burn off the love handles fast and see lasting change, you must become aware of good food habits. The information in "Burn Fat" over at provided us with the top 12 worst and best foods for burning fat which helped speed up getting rid of love handle fat.

3. Focused exercise targeting your abdominals which include crunches, sit-ups, leg lifts as you lie 90-degrees to the floor, will all help to build muscle in the abdominal region which will not only tone your love handle area but will also increase your metabolism leading to more fat burning efficiency.

If you struggle with how to get rid of love handles then follow these 3 steps consistently for 1-month and you will see a big difference. Believe me, there is no better feeling that putting on a bathing suit and actually seeing your complete waistline.


Blogger shanna said...

are there any foods you recommend to eat after working out ?

1:15 AM  
Blogger Ideaguy said...

Hi Shanna - unless your workouts are very extreme, most of the nutritional drinks are not required as they not only replenish various vitamins lost, but fill you with sugar.

I typically go for a few glasses of water and something with protein such as a yogurt or yogurt with a few nuts...I find that replenishes my system very well and the muscles can use the protein if you can eat within 30-40 minutes of a workout.

7:27 AM  

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